Celestial hemisphere:  Southern  ·  Constellation: Puppis (Pup)  ·  Contains:  NGC 2427
Cometary Globule 4 (CG4), Jeffrey K Lovelace
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Cometary Globule 4 (CG4), Jeffrey K Lovelace
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Acquisition details



Data Acquisition from 2021-01-10 until 2021-04-17

DSO Color Mapping: LRGBH

Original Image (Pix) Scale: 1.34


This is one of those forced perspective images in which it looks like a space creature is about to consume an entire galaxy, which is amusing but ridiculous, of course; like the images of people posing as though holding up the leaning tower of Pisa. In reality the galaxy that appears to be the monster's next meal, PGC 21338, lies roughly 75,000 times farther from Earth than CG4. The galaxy witnessing the carnage from above is NGC 2427.

For more on CG4 and other cometary globules: https://www.eso.org/public/news/eso1503/

I shot this using an Astro Physics RH305 that I rent from master astrophotographer Martin Pugh at his remote telescope hosting observatory in Australia. If you are interested in imaging the skies of the Southern Hemisphere, contact him https://www.martinpughastrophotography.space/.
